Medical Intuition
A Medical Intuitive reading moves the body, mind & spirit to higher ground.
Being a Medical Intuitive means having the ability to listen, to anything and everything and more specifically, listening to what our bodies are communicating from systems, organs, tissues and cells; when choosing to tune in, and sometimes even when not choosing.
Being an intuitive is exactly like picking up on a specific frequency, like a radio, and then being able to understand what is being said. And often hearing what is not being said or what needs to be expressed.
What a body is ‘saying’ may be read and understood by an Intuitive, through all the senses, forming spiritual, emotional and energetic components, too. This can then all be put together into a formal report on the current state of your body or what your body would like you to know right now.
Intuition can be understood as a direct knowing, stronger than a hunch, a feeling you just can’t shake, a visual scene, perhaps a sense or discomfort within. This sense or feeling is derived from the innermost self, part of the cellular matrix, in this way, you can engage your body in working through an issue or a problem. This body-mind-spirit linkup with intuition is what makes it workable. You can strengthen your intuition simply by listening to it.
April Danann, "Sometimes I get an urge to go for a walk or pull some weeds in the garden; this comes from my body asking to be outside, in the fresh air, enjoying nature and of course taking some gentle exercise. Why? Because nature - we are part of nature, can speak to us more easily when we're in it.' Your intution is mostly a feeling more then a ‘voice’ – in every way, it is a true sense and should not be discounted or ignored. The more you listen to your body and pay attention to the signs around you – the easier it will become.
Making changes in your life to enhance health and healing will also develop and improve your intuition. And so will anything you can do to encourage listening skills such as writing, journaling, recording your dreams, mind-body exercises, such as Yoga or martial arts and most importantly, a careful diet. Intuition, for the most part, is not a valued skill in our modern world and is even maligned by certain sections of society. Yet we rely on its presence far more than we realize as it is an intrinsic aspect of life on this planet."
April is internationally recognised as a Medical Intuitive. She specialises in readings for practitioners of Functional Medicine including medical professionals, therapists, counsellors, teachers and healers.