Love….. One drop of love in an ocean of life, can make all the difference
Love begins with me, it begins with you – perhaps it’s just a fleeting tingle of nervous energy creeping through our veins.
On a good day.
It starts with the words I tell myself – taking the time to focus and fill my internal imagery with kind, compassionate verbiage. Extending the depth of happy by a few millimetres.
Can this be only an intense projection of my hearts desires – after all, only love endures all things?
When these lofty thoughts shape and create the reality that becomes my world, the landscape that surrounds me softens, becomes rustic, colourful, ancient and wild.
Just like me.
Out of nowhere a wave of nothingness can seek to dampen our song and appear to push out the love that has grown. Even in darkness, it clings and holds to the roots of the pieces of the soul.
Yet love also has its season…..
It flourishes in the warmth of gentle company, high spirits and quiet solitude. Hot sunny days or cold fireside evenings conjure the images and feed deepening contentment.
Inside of us is a memory of a life-time when we knew love, connecting us to the circle of life. Love is a piece of harmony that our cells sing; it has always been earths song.
It beckons us onwards, up that steep path, through pain, torment – endless time and shadow strip away the hardened shell.
Love gets real, when life aligns itself to passion – it has grown in me, it has grown in you
Love isn’t what you think it is. It isn’t about being kind or good or even nice to each other. Love is this indescribable sense of – knowing. Knowing when to do, to give, to stop, to run or to let go.
Love is all about the ways in which you choose each day to honour the person you wish to become. It is the energy and type of feeling you use to go about your work or your chores or even your most dreaded tasks.
Love is both a challenge and a blessing.
But, what if love, real love, true love, higher love – is actually the narrative? When we look up the origins of these words, we find other references such as to story, history and to fairy tales. Love is the stuff of ancient tales?
But then when we examine this simple word LOVE, we find it traces its orgins to the deeper relationship with ‘to care’. And that is where our story begins!
Once you actually find it within yourself to attempt to care about who you are, where you are going and the way you fill your thoughts or time or energy – only then does your body get to experience this relationship with a specific positive state of mind.
To care and to link this feeling to compassion for oneself, just might be the highest form of love