Thought Leader in Health Potential


Posts in workshops
How do I use my Intuition? 

I cannot begin to tell you how much I rely on my intuition in every area of my life. Its usefulness has never let me down and guides my every thought, wondering and move. It enables me to explore options, discover new ways of being and heal my body with precision.

This compass that plots the course of my destiny comes from within.

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April Danann - Art of the Pitch Podcast is Live!

You'll know if you've been following what we're up to recently that April has entered Richard Branson's VOOM pitching competition, which could lead to funding and prize money for her latest book, I Am She Who Creates.

I Am She Who Creates consciously take a female perspective, as the way a woman navigates her goals, needs and challenges can be quite different to the male experience. This book could change all women's lives for the better, bringing fulfilment and prosperity. It just needs to get out there.

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 Stepping into the Light

More than that, your life and awareness can just keep growing from here, it’s up to you now – how you expand and when. If you stay true to your roots, those early days when you thought you were a woman walking alone will be remembered with a compassion from the person you have become.

Do not back down, do not sell out, do not sit down, do not be quiet.

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