Thought Leader in Health Potential


Posts in herbs
Independently Healthy! 

When we spend too much time working and not enough time resting or taking exercise – we find ourselves acidic and run down.

Use your herbs to help remind your body how to function optimally while you address areas of your life that need attention as well as create a life balance and deal with stress.

Herbs for me are all about inviting nature into my life and maintaining that connection to the natural world, all the while deepening my inner journey. These herbs show me the way, they take me further into myself on a daily basis and then keep me there.

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Nature Cure

We are now deep into the season to gather and forage your flowers, leaves and greens! The Elderflowers are in bloom, it’s not too late for some wild garlic pesto and even a few nettles for your soup can still be had.

If you are like me, you may find yourself craving these foods for the well being of your mind and body. I have come to believe we require a wild element to our diets, just as much as protein or water.

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Workshops, Market Stall, Nature & Me

We are approaching the harvest time of year, the special gifts of nature are being presented for those of us willing to wander into streams, trudge through hedgerows, follow the honey bee trail and listen to the hum of magic on the wind.
The only thing asked of us is to be ourselves.
This has become my motto over the years, if I can only get back to myself, I will find who I have always been, waiting for me there. 

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Post Viral Syndrome & Probiotics

Just wanted to catch you up on our fasting - we are still working away here - terrific insights every day - for the most part we are fasting for 3 to 5 days, then taking 2 or 3 days for food, increased exercise and all else!

Not sure what day we are on now (it all started on 30 April)….we took another 2 eating days over the bank holiday weekend and are now right back at the fasting again. 

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Updates and News

I will be at the West Lodge Hotel in Bantry on Sunday 2nd March for the next West Cork Health & Wellness Open Day. We are really looking forward to this event as an opportunity to get to know some  of the many others out there working in our communities and to touch base with all of you in a posher setting (other than in wellies and 5 jumpers in the farmers market! LOL) 

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Pure Earth Energy - Healing With Water

Some of the worst things I have done to my body over the years I used to think have all involved medication of some sort – usually antibiotics. I never (thankfully) took any other kind of drugs…the medication (not that much) did enough damage all on it’s own.

And I can say without any doubt – those drugs did far more harm to my body then any amount of poor food, high stress, overwork and whateverelse I put my body, mind and spirit through for decades of my life.

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