Thought Leader in Health Potential


Lets Talk About the Fallen Angels

There are so many people out there working with angels, calling them in and other wise going into spaces where they congregate. Angels are lovely, they are messengers of the divine and have many roles to play in our lives and in the world we live in. Yet, there are so many fallen Angels - and what are their distinguishing features? Does anyone really know and are they watching carefully to see what shows up when these entities are summoned?

I have been working in this field of 25 years, and to the best of my knowledge there is not one person who is asking for and using discernment - and then putting two and two together when entities enter. I know of so many instances where practitioners call someone thing in to their work space and then don't bother to check (or do they even know?) what shows up and what it is doing there.

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In any diet, don't forget about water

No matter how you are eating right now, give some careful consideration to the source of your water. If it is from a tap, there are some serious concerns with it. The least of which is the multiple contamination from various bugs...its not that at all. I would be far more concerned with the medicating of the general population using chlorine and fluoride. These two drugs are in our water here in Ireland and I have for many years gone out of my way to avoid using it at all costs.

There is much written and said about putting chemicals into our drinking water- usually the government line is that they are making it safe for us to drink. Actually it was safe to drink long before they did anything with it! If it wasn't run through miles of pipes and through unnatural reservoirs we probably wouldn't have many issues with the water.

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Take a Stand

'If you are not part of the cure, then you are part of the problem'

I don't know who first said this, but it is so true- and perhaps at no other time than now. There are so many issues that we are faced with in our day to day existence, I would say that none is more important to us as humans on this planet then our health. And I am not talking about health care, hospitals, doctors and the entire Big Pharma scheme to make us think we are sick and then to help keep us that way.

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My Master Cleanse

I have been doing this and talking about it for several weeks now, and it is really helping me to get things moving forward in my life. I am feeling lighter in myself, more in control and like I can do the things that I have longed dreamed of. So here is my recipe and some info on my Master Cleanse. I use herbal teas in clean spring water, and drink this for the 24 hour time frame. If you are new to this, add to these teas, some juices and dandelion coffee to get your through it. Once you get used to doing this regularly, your body looks forward to it and as you always feel great afterwards!

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The Way to Detox

This is probably the best time of year, anytime between now and Christmas - for detox. Today I was reading in the internet and came across several mentions and articles on this topic and it caught my attention because they were generally so way off base...made me wonder if the people who wrote them have ever done a detox themselves.

Right now I am deep in the middle of a detox, about 5 weeks into it with changes to diet, exercise routine and generally working away at removing embedded toxins. A detox takes time- lots of time. You cannot flood your body with toxins and then expect it to be mopped up instantly.

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Truth is hard to come by....

I have been talking about this for many years and it is reaching epidemic proportions at this point. Each and every week I hear from someone, somewhere how they have been to see a healer, energy worker, therapist, holistic practitioner of some kind and that now they are 'worse'. And not worse in the healing crisis sense of things- but worse for the work that has been done on them.

You cannot do a weekend course in 'energy' therapy of any kind and consider yourself competent. You cannot live your life as a 'healer' and carry on as if this was an ordinary job. You cannot live with one foot in this world and one foot in another.

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Its Time

The world is rapidly changing- and we must go with it. It is time to start looking at all the ways that your life is held back and to get this ball rolling. If you are tired, frustrated, angry, worried and broke-- isn't it time to do something completely different than what you are doing right now?

To get the ball rolling just pick one area of your life and be determined to get things moving. There are so many things that you can do and more than a few ways to go about doing them. I needed a change as well and here is how I spent my last few weeks:

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You know how sometimes...

You know how sometimes, you just know that you need to write something, even though you are not at all sure what it is? It has been one of those months for me. LIke everything is sitting on the tip of my tongue and pressuring the top of my head, yet I can't seem to put the words together.

This has been an extraordinary time living a life as an Intuitive. When you just 'know' things- about everything, it can be quite disconcerting when not one thing that we are being told happens to be the truth. This is where I get stuck- I always expect people, media, organisations, etc to be at least as honest as they can be about the information that is released to the public.

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Angels- Unawares

I knew when this year rolled around that it was going to be a different sort of year, I just never knew what way these twists and turns would take in my life. What has started out as a battle- in Tunisia- has become a movement, and this movement became a revolution. Now, with consciousness rising all over the planet on all kinds of issues, an evolution of a revolution is an awakening.

Over the past few years I have had my share of dark nights of the soul, my life has been anything but easy, yet we have soldiered on, believing that there is light in the darkness, and just that glimmer teasing us would be encouragement for weary travelers. During these past few years, I have been walking though the long shadow land of the fallen angels and have written about them extensively.

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