Thought Leader in Health Potential


Making A Difference

Today is mid-week in the last week of May - another month is just around the corner and time seems to be slipping away. I remember something Oprah said one time - back in the days (many years ago) when I had a television.

She talked about how much of her life was spent being unhappy with herself - for her it was her weight and ultimately how she looked and felt in her body. Once she had lost the weight, she lamented about how much time she had wasted, quite a few years being unhappy, miserable really about her size.

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When You Say Nothing At All

So, yesterday was a fast day and today is a food day or a small food day as we say here in my house. As opposed to a big food day which would be a weekend or an even bigger food day - a feast. I got through it all right - I have done so many now that a single day fasting is no problem at all and I actually look forward to the break in eating to allow my body to rest, repair and clean out.

But, yesterday I was so tired, but not necessarily low in energy - I had lots to do and got a few things done. I was just tired from the weekend, rushing around and getting less sleep than usual in the past week or so. But it got me thinking. I remember the times when I used to be tired like that all of the time! Now, it's once in a great while that I feel that level of weariness.

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Carry On.....

From yesterday, my thoughts have continued along the same lines about our habit in society of using food as a reward and withholding food as a punishment. It is quite an interesting concept actually. When I think about it for any length of time, I keep coming back to the same main issues.

Might this practice or belief system have more to do with the usual control theme around food? Once again plunging us back into 'just who is in control' of our food, eating, diet, nutrition and lifestyle anyway?

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Crime and Punishment

Today has brought with it new energy - I had every intention of fasting today but decided to switch things around and fasted yesterday instead. I just had a feeling that today would be important in other ways - that I was not aware of yet. So, we planned a little celebration of sorts and that is what we are doing - end of cleanse party.

I often find that we do not take celebration as seriously as we did at one time and especially when we were children it was very important to us. Special times of the year and special meals were all important - whereas now as adults these times can be looked at as a chore and extra work.

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Such is Life

It is now more than 2 weeks ago since I started and then 10 days later finished my Master Cleanse and of course, each day I am taking stock of how I feel, what has changed and the things that I am doing differently. The one thing that stands out the most for me at this moment is the fact that I am still so very careful of how much I am eating.

I do not want to feel that 'overfull' feeling in my stomach again, it is unpleasant for me and always has been. Small light meals, most of the time suit me better, I feel better, I function more efficiently and my digestion is smoother. My gut is working better (yet again) this time around and I really can feel the difference between before and after this cleanse.

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Keep Focused on Your Goals

This past couple of weeks have been a series of endings for me, I have finally finished some large projects that I was working on and it feels kind of strange! Almost as if those projects (or the fact that they were not complete) had been holding something (me!) in one place and now that they are done, I am either left hanging or in free fall.

I like to think that now I am free to move on to start other projects, but also it's now important to evaluate exactly what was learned from the work that has been done already. I guess what I am trying to say here is that I am going over these past few days, weeks, months and years in my mind and re-visiting all the ways that I have changed and grown.

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Last Day - Back to normal?

Or whatever normal is. Perhaps this is the new normal, I feel different each time that I do a detox and I have done many over the years. However, this time is different from all those other times and I am struggling with explaining, even to myself.

I guess the operative word here is STRUGGLE. For so many of us, life has been all about resistance, hardship, difficulty and yes, incredible struggle. It is not any different for me. I have often wondered, why, do we keep trying to move forward when we are constantly pushed back? Yet this desire to move, to shift to find higher and better ground comes from somewhere so deeply buried inside of us that it is like a guiding light.

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Day 12 - Healthy Mind

This morning I feel good, I do not feel as empty as I did two days ago because there is food in my system now, so it is a different sense of clean. The important thing to remember at this stage of coming off of a Master Cleanse is to put clean fuel into your body - just as you would your car.

There is a lot going through my mind as well or maybe I could say that differently, there is a lot going on with my mind, as I can clearly see how fractured it was in places and the ways that it has come back together especially during these past few days.

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Day 10 - We Did It!

Here we are, at Day 10 - just 24 hours to go until tomorrow morning when we begin to transition our diets back to normal. I just did my last salt water flush, I drank my last senna tea yesterday evening so my system feels squeaky clean and renewed.

I am looking forward to some food again - but..... I would say in comparison to any other cleanses or fasts that I have done, this was by far the easiest. It might be that I am just getting used to it but I don't think so. As I know many other people who find it extremely difficult to complete subsequent cleanses after the first one, it is quite a challenge to do these again and again several times a year. No, I think that this is different. I am different, my level of discipline has improved along with my ability to focus and concentrate on achieving a goal.

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Transition Day 11

This morning I was up early to have my glass of juice and savor the sweet feeling of another successful 10 Day Master Cleanse. Today will be a day of liquids that are richer and nutritious to bring the digestive system out of detox mode and back to work after the break.

I am feeling very well health wise and perhaps even better mentally than I have in a while. Maybe the very last time I felt such a sense of accomplishment was when I completed the 40 Day MC, however I was tempted to say when I gave birth to my daughter at home in a free birth! I don't know why (right now anyway) I feel so strongly that this time I achieved something particularly wonderful, but it does certainly feel that way.

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