Thought Leader in Health Potential


The Only Way To Lose Weight....

I have come to find out during my years working in the food, diet, nutrition fields and as a Medical Intuitive, that the only way forward with regards to weight loss is to detox your body as the weight comes off.

Our bodies use fat to store toxins and debris that can clog up the system - it is a very efficient and life preserving mechanism. These toxins have usually built up over a life time and can only be broken down with specific support for the organs and of course exercise to help push them out thoroughly. These days we are exposed to far more chemicals and poisons which also interact within the body giving rise to the situation (excess weight and ill health) that we are now in.

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April Danann's Food Revolution

For those of us who are watching and supporting the many revolutions that are taking place around the planet but are unable to physically be there- there is so much else that can be done. And perhaps even more important work that must be done to start to break down these monopolies who control our money, economies, food, water, media, and ultimately our minds.

I see it often during some of these protests, ‘access to better health care’ written on placards and it has left me feeling perplexed. There are some basic tenets that every human living on this planet needs to get back to- and the fundamental one would be food. How to feed ourselves so that the body and mind is well nourished and in a healthy state has been eroded in less then several generations. We have been duped into thinking that we actually ‘need’ health care- what we need is self care in the form of fresh whole food and clean water.

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Supplements In the News

Well, for those who know me, and have read my books you know that I am not a fan of supplements and I myself never take them under any circumstances. They do not feel right nor do the entire set up of taking individual nutrients sound in any way safe. There are just far too many parameters involved in the digestive process- food is the only way to achieve balance within the body systems.

This week there is a study out that gives yet another warning about this very thing- it comes after a long list of them. Every so often one scientific paper surfaces that puts some information out there in the public domain about this problem. Yet, it goes largely unnoticed by everyone as there is too much money to be made selling Big Pharma drugs to everyone- even when you think you are avoiding them!

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Such a sad week....

With the loss of Steve Jobs and many others needlessly to cancer I am reminded of what it takes to overcome this type of illness. Most of it is mental, the physical part can be accomplished with simple changes to diet and exercise. It is the emotional fallout that can be the place of weakness.

I have been reading up on the little bit that is known about his struggle with illness on both sides of it. Of course, I would clearly be of the belief that this man should not have died and that no one else should suffer such a fate. All of the answers are here and have been all along.

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OMG- Now they are Nutritionists too???

Obesity is at an epidemic level reports the daily news sources- well I wonder how did that happen? And now the UK government wants to do something about it. That is wonderful news! The first thing that they can do about this epidemic is go into these supermarkets and declare an outrageous tax on 90% of what is on the shelves- these can all go into the non food category.

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Lets Talk About the Fallen Angels

There are so many people out there working with angels, calling them in and other wise going into spaces where they congregate. Angels are lovely, they are messengers of the divine and have many roles to play in our lives and in the world we live in. Yet, there are so many fallen Angels - and what are their distinguishing features? Does anyone really know and are they watching carefully to see what shows up when these entities are summoned?

I have been working in this field of 25 years, and to the best of my knowledge there is not one person who is asking for and using discernment - and then putting two and two together when entities enter. I know of so many instances where practitioners call someone thing in to their work space and then don't bother to check (or do they even know?) what shows up and what it is doing there.

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In any diet, don't forget about water

No matter how you are eating right now, give some careful consideration to the source of your water. If it is from a tap, there are some serious concerns with it. The least of which is the multiple contamination from various bugs...its not that at all. I would be far more concerned with the medicating of the general population using chlorine and fluoride. These two drugs are in our water here in Ireland and I have for many years gone out of my way to avoid using it at all costs.

There is much written and said about putting chemicals into our drinking water- usually the government line is that they are making it safe for us to drink. Actually it was safe to drink long before they did anything with it! If it wasn't run through miles of pipes and through unnatural reservoirs we probably wouldn't have many issues with the water.

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Take a Stand

'If you are not part of the cure, then you are part of the problem'

I don't know who first said this, but it is so true- and perhaps at no other time than now. There are so many issues that we are faced with in our day to day existence, I would say that none is more important to us as humans on this planet then our health. And I am not talking about health care, hospitals, doctors and the entire Big Pharma scheme to make us think we are sick and then to help keep us that way.

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My Master Cleanse

I have been doing this and talking about it for several weeks now, and it is really helping me to get things moving forward in my life. I am feeling lighter in myself, more in control and like I can do the things that I have longed dreamed of. So here is my recipe and some info on my Master Cleanse. I use herbal teas in clean spring water, and drink this for the 24 hour time frame. If you are new to this, add to these teas, some juices and dandelion coffee to get your through it. Once you get used to doing this regularly, your body looks forward to it and as you always feel great afterwards!

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