Thought Leader in Health Potential


Take Care of Yourself

I remember the days when I used to actually believe that I had a pretty ok diet - and perhaps by some standards I did. I ate reasonably well most of the time, I often heard people say a little bit of everything in moderation is the key.

However, it is simply not the key or the right way to health, wellness and certainly not the way to eat if you are a practitioner of anything.

When I ate a little bit of everything I wasn't healthy. I did not feel quite right, I didn't necessarily feel 'wrong', but I knew that I wasn't where I might be either. Eating a bit of everything omits one very important principle that can be applied to our food, water and general lifestyle - a little bit of poison is still poison, a little bit of harm is still dangerous and I do not know very many people who can stop at a little bit of anything.

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You are free to Go

This has been a strange month with wild weather, global change underfoot and hopefully happier times on their way for us all. I was reminded of something early today as I was out walking the dogs around the yard- one of our dogs is a wanderer so she gets a heavy horse lead hooked on to her while the other dog stays close by and walks with us.

The dog with the horse lead is not held onto by us, the lead which is very long only serves to slow her down, giving us time to run after her when necessary so that we can keep her out of harms way. No street sense whatsoever! Anyway. We went for our ramble around the place and then I came back to the house.

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It's that time of year again!

So, here we are in the middle of Bee season, the time of year that bees need to make a head start in their honey making. This is vital to the survival of these delicate species - sunny weather, a lot less rain, warm enough and plenty of flowers, trees and plants to forage for food.

One thing that I have noticed a lot more of is that we are putting in gardens in our backyards as well as creating allotments and other green spaces. If you would not ordinarily plant herbs, do it this year - for the bees. You will also gain benefits from a crop of fresh herbs growing close by as well.

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Food Revolution - say it again!!

I posted this earlier, but want to post it again as people are led to feel that they are powerless to make fundamental changes to their diets. You are not powerless and you can make any change you want- with healthy results!​​​​​​​

Food Revolution

For those of us who are watching and supporting the many revolutions that are taking place around the planet but are unable to physically be there- there is so much else that can be done. And perhaps even more important work that must be done to start to break down these monopolies who control our money, economies, food, water, media, and ultimately our minds.

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So, look at all the bad news...

Hey, its only 3 weeks or so until Christmas, the season of good cheer and the one that many of us look forward to ALL year. So what's with the deluge of BAD, downer news that is coming across the air waves?

Don't know what I am talking about? Go back over to any news page and re-read the headlines - there will be at least 3 out of 4 negative announcements of one sort or another. And many of them with less than positive predictions about this coming Christmas season!

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This may sound strange, but what if....

What if all of these flus and bugs that go around from person to person over the winter months, actually serve a purpose? I know, how on earth could I possibly reach that conclusion! How awful it is to get a bug and be down with it for a few days - and to miss work and be so unproductive.

What if these flus and bugs primed out immune function in a myriad of ways sort of like taking the fancy car out of the garage once in a while and taking it for a spin. But I know, the argument would be that it is not healthy to be sick! And again why spend a few days with some down time when we could be up and at 'em ALL the time.

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Diet and Exercise

I came across this article today, what a shocker! Now they tell us that hormone imbalance may be implicated in high rates of obesity and (listen carefully to this) may 'have' to be 'treated' with drugs of some kind to get people sorted.

Right- so now, as the scientists and the doctors start to catch up with all the things that us Nutritionists have been working with and dealing with and talking about for these past YEARS, we need a Big Pharma fix. Its such an untapped market after all- buy your organic food, get your gym membership and because this simply won't ever be enough, have your prescription filled for the hormone shots that you will surely need to keep the weight off.

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Mung Bean Burgers
  1. Soak the mung beans for 48 hours in lots of water. Drain, rinse the beans and discard the soaking liquid.

  2. Put all the mung beans and raw garlic in a blender or food processor with a little olive oil. Blend or process until you have a smooth and light batter. Transfer the batter into a bowl.

  3.  Stir in chopped scallions, onions, leeks, grated carrot, chopped or pureed cooked spinach, herbs to taste and cilantro if desired. Or use the vegetables you have on hand- sometimes I use grated pumpkin or squash, and cooked green lentils.

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