Thought Leader in Health Potential


Day 3 - Sun is Shining

Well, we are on Day 3 of our Master Cleanse and of course woke up this morning feeling better, less tired and all round less achy then yesterday. The first two days for me are always the worst - and once that is behind me I feel as if the cleanse kicks in.

Once again I am feeling very emotional in short fits and starts, like waves of toxins moving through. And a lot of memories this time round of work that I used to do many years ago - the people I worked with and the situations I found myself in.

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2nd Day - Getting Interesting!

Well, today is my second day on the June Master Cleanse and I must say that things are very interesting already. I have lots of symptoms of a mild viral thingy going on here- with aches and pains in my knees, slight chills, low level headache, a rash on hands and foot, tired and a huge amount of resistance in my body to doing this next part of the journey.

Of course, I have been doing this long enough to know that this resistance is from the virus itself that is under attack right now by my own body defenses and that it has been there for over 20 years - controlling me in lots of ways. Now, the tables have finally turned.

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First Day - Master Cleanse

This is Day One of my June Master Cleanse - I had promised myself that I would do one a month for each month this summer and this is my second beginning. I actually wasn't certain that I would begin today and had not admitted it much to myself (I was mulling it over!) so last night I said, ok - if this was the right time for the June cleanse I would have a dream or something and be sure.

And did I ever have a dream! I dreamt all night about the same things - an old virus that I had when I was 20 years old - glandular fever - at the time I was just happy to get back to work after a month off and try to get my energy back. But by 15 years later I was realizing that my energy never really came back fully and I never did feel like myself afterwards.

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Medical Mystery

I never know anymore how to even approach this subject as this has gone so far away from anything that is real or sane that it defies description. Its as if those that practice this 'medicine' are so far in the dark of fear and not knowing that they continue to bury themselves without concern.

Lately I have been coming across a lot of people who are taking medication needlessly. Heavy duty drugs like anti-psychotics and highly addictive antidepressants - given to children, teenagers and everyone in between, for seemingly any reason. Rather than deal with the issues that are causing anxiety etc, why not just eliminate it with a chemical cocktail and voila - choose your emotions!

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Experiencing Other Worlds

No matter what your beliefs, most of us would be aware that there is such a strong pull in us as human beings, a drawing in to other worlds, realms and dimensions. These I would call the spaces in-between - which exist inside of us as well as outside of us.

There is no better place to experience these other worlds than in the garden - with the fairies, gnomes and tree spirits. They are everywhere and I have been seeing them and listening to them for as long as I am here on this earth. I have so many pleasant memories of these beings throughout my life and the mystery has only deepened the more work that I do on myself.

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Spend Your Time Wisely

I have been getting some work done in my herb garden these past few rainy days- in between showers and misty wetness, the weeds have been growing full force as if they have little else to do. Just grow and keep going.

It's funny how life is - these things that we equate with a nuisance and only want to get rid of, are so persistent in their presence and their roots go quite deep. The problem is that if we do not remove them from the garden they will take over and push out the herbs and plants that we want to grow there.

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Mayan Prophecies

Yesterday I was listening to a well known personality in the alternative health field give his own thoughts on these Mayan Prophecies and the hype over this coming year end - 12/12/12 or 12/21/12. I have mentioned it only a couple of times in the past few years as I have not really given it much thought.

However, yesterday got me thinking about it again and of course I always come to the same conclusions each time. That there is nothing to worry about if you are living the way you are meant to live and following a higher path towards consciousness.

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Post Cleanse - 10 Days

I have been finished the cleanse for 10 days now and I remember when I first started doing these I was always looking for information and reading up on other people's experiences after they had finished the 10 days. What happens to their bodies post the 10 day clean up, there seemed to be little written about it.

So, I thought that I will keep you up to date on how I am doing afterwards. For the most part I still feel pretty good, I love my food and I am eating plenty. I do get full faster and I am craving more greens and raw salad type of things. I also have only gained about 2 lbs back so far. And I feel better in myself because I am lighter and leaner. Less body fat to contend with.

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Has Anything Really Changed?

I have not paid that much attention to news for quite some time - and I find that I can not read anything for about a year or so, go back to look over a few headlines and ---- not one single thing has changed. In many instances not even the names are different. Yet we go on, day after day, sucking it all in and believing every word.

One day a long time ago now, I woke up (parts of me are waking up all the time) with regards to the 'news' and realized that when we are told day after day how bad things are, how high the murder rate is, how sensational a court case might be, how the banks have stolen all the money and there is not one thing anyone can do about it- it leaves us all feeling quite powerless.

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Down the Road in Darkness

Today it is raining again and it is quite dull outside. Not a great day for getting out into the garden. The energy around feels heavy, old and dark. I have been thinking it over for the few hours this morning since I have been up.

Perhaps it is something that has come back with me from my dreams - it felt as if I was somewhere very far away last night and my dreams have changed since I finished my last Master Cleanse. They seem to be less about other people and more about me - at least I feature in them far more than I did before.

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