Thought Leader in Health Potential


Back on Track

I think I am back on track here - sort of, in that I am feeling pretty good - my energy levels are better than they have been in a while and I find that I have loads of energy for exercise, my projects and everything else. In fact I see so much that I would like to do, I don't know how I am going to get to it all!

Its nice to finally feel this good in mind and body, the interesting thing is that I felt good before and have for years after I changed my diet and lifestyle, however this fasting takes things to an entire new level.

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And We Did It!!

Another successful 10 day Master Cleanse has been completed and you know what? The first thing that I started planning was my next one for it must not have been that bad after all. LOL

It was a strange night though perhaps because of the time of the year - I woke up around 3:30 or so and say a clear sky that never really got overly dark - so I got up deciding to watch the sunrise. By 4am, everyone else was up too and we were drinking our smoothies and talking about these past few days of our cleanse. In years to come I will remember this - the same way that I have always remembered the sun not setting but just dipping slightly below the horizon on these same few nights of the year when I lived in Labrador as a child.

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Day 10 - Nearly There

I am now in the final stages of my Master Cleanse - Day 10 with less than 24 hours before I break my fast and start gearing up for food again. This has been quite an experience I must say and at the end of it all - very good!

My body never ceases to amaze me at what it is capable of and how it then proceeds to systematically remove the old/unnecessary/toxic and clean house. I feel pretty good today and have felt good for the last few days in fact. Except for the rain...but oh well. That too shall pass.

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48 Hours to Go - Day 9

We are now officially in count down mode with less than 48 hours to go before we break our fast and start on the juices that will get our digestive tract moving again and prepared for food. This has been a far tougher cleanse than some of the others - comparable in many ways to my 40 day fast last year- perhaps because of the depths that my body has taken me this time around.

I have mentioned a little about it - of seeing fairies and into other worlds and realms - that is not unusual for me, being a Medical Intuitive, I am often drawn into those dimensions and can navigate my way around quite well. However, this time - it was to the darker energies of those worlds and for that reason this has been an intriguing few days to say the least.

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And Then There's Day 8

Waking up this morning to the sound of the wind and the rain did not put me off the day actually - so I know that I have come through something huge in the past week or so. Something that has been too big to put down into words here or even to articulate to myself fully at this point - but it was dark, heavy and very old. As if from the beginning of my time here on earth.

So, how do I know that I have turned a corner and come out of the woods even a little bit? Music. Usually during a Master Cleanse I am listening to music non-stop - it can be like a craving. My body virtually asks for it and I play all kinds of music - like a balm for a body and soul laid bare.

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And On the 7th Day...

Here we are, once again now on day 7 and deep into another detox cycle - each of us is keenly aware of it this time around as well. We are far more in sync as a family or a unit that is detoxing - quite remarkable actually.

Not much in the way of physical symptoms - I am feeling pretty good, really clear in myself and lighter in my stomach area. This Master Cleanse has gone deeper than any other before - with a lot of old dark, heavy 'things' coming up to the surface. I am relieved that perhaps some of this is moving out now and that progress is being made.

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It's Day Six!

We are now over half way there and I will have to say that this time around has been a lot tougher then the last Master Cleanse - however, not as difficult as some others that I have done in the past. I was thinking about it yesterday - years ago in 2001, I would find it hard to do just 3 days and be so happy with myself if I made it that far. My how times have changed!

So, for a six day mark check-in : rash on hands and foot nearly gone, very itchy at times, skin is clear and soft, feeling cleaned out inside again, good levels of energy, aches and twinges have gone, lots of flexibility, and planning to do some extra exercise today... I feel back on track.

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Now Half Way There!

Today is the start of day five and it already promises to be another good day. We got a few things done yesterday - as is par for the course when doing a cleanse, as you work far more efficiently and of course a little faster.

As is usual for me, I am cleaning all sorts of things - inside and out. So I spent the morning cleaning things that needed to be sorted out and then out to the garden for some more weeding. Then, once I started in on the garden I stumbled across an ant hill which had to be carefully moved - very telling for a family doing a cleanse! Removing weeds and things that do not belong in the garden (the shadow self).

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The Fourth Day

This is day number 4 and things are really moving for us all - this cleanse is definitely all about a job that I had for several years way back when and the many things that I took on board but also the way that it deeply affected me. I can clearly see now how much it changed my perspective of life, the way that I looked at things altered - I no longer felt valued, useful, interesting or even valid as a person.

After that job was done with me, I felt like nothing. And I cannot compare it to anything else that I have ever done in my life or even experienced before or since. What job was it you might ask? I worked for the government for nearly 6 years as a Food Hygiene Inspector. The job itself was very interesting and I enjoyed many parts of it - the politics, the lack of communication and the people are what did me in.

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