Thought Leader in Health Potential


Liquid Gold...

Perhaps it doesn't seem like it this morning for some people in Ireland, however the water that falls from the sky is our lifeline and link to all that keeps us alive and functioning. Without water we would not live for very long yet how some people manage not to drink much at all is perhaps one of the main reasons they become ill.

I love water and have been keenly interested in it for quite some time, my Masters thesis a few years ago was on water and the bottled water industry - looking in-depth at what we are being sold and told about water compared to the truth.

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What's Wrong with this Picture?

A few days ago I read an article from a famous politicians wife who was commenting on the fact that mothers were not happy staying at home and that without a career would be unfulfilled as people. I have been mulling over her comments for the past few days as they don't sit very well with me for some reason. LOL

First of all - she implied a few things that are totally untrue. Staying at home to raise your own children yourself does not mean that you cannot have a career or be successful. This article was quite clear that you needed to leave your home and your children with 'professionals' in order to achieve something in life.

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What I love About Eating Well...

For the most part this is an easy way to eat and live, I mean you have to go out of your way to specifically eat unhealthy. Yes, I know processed food is everywhere and it is so relatively easy to pick up rubbish at the shops.

But, what if you were to not go to the shops all that often? What if the majority of your food came from the farmers market, your garden and the local fish monger, cheese person and butcher? There is no rubbish in either of these places.

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Lough Hyne

Yesterday in honor of the Water Festival weekend we decided to go for a walk near Lough Hyne (Baltimore) - it is an ancient place with an abundance of history and magic. We walked up the hill in the nature reserve which took us to the top called Soldiers Look Out. There were lots of steps, tight spots and overgrowth of trees - it was lovely and refreshing after our day of eating all that food!

The walk itself is very like life in general - a steady climb to the top, which can be difficult in places and pushes you to use your whits and keep your mind in a focused space most of the time. Then you will encounter a few areas where your mind can wander free and ponder the larger mysteries. While the path is mostly dark, once you near the top it will open up for the most magnificent view and bright light.

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Happy Mid Summer!

Today is a beautiful day for more Mid Summer festivities we have all been out in the garden since early this morning trying to get sorted out after such a rainy week. I love how the ground dries out nicely though.

We just finished our Mid Summer dinner and I normally wouldn't do this - but as so many have been asking me - what do you eat during a Pagan feast - here is what we had today;

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Good Morning...

This weekend is usually known around the world as Mid Summer and St. John's Eve as it has to do with the changing seasons, solstice and to mark the summer growing season in a significant way. One thing that might not be very well known, but is an obvious link here, is to water.

And of course anything to do with water interests me greatly as I have long found that this substance is the number one healer, changer, shifter and the most grounded food on the planet. So, what are the links to water?

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The Pagan Diet

My new book on living, eating and fasting for weight loss, healing and health is finally ready. If you would like to know all about how I live, the way I feed myself and my family and what it means to me - this is the book that goes into detail on food, fast and feast, master cleanses, detox and healing your body. Here I discuss the many things that I have found out about myself and the world as I follow the pagan calendar and celebrate each season of the body.

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Food, Fast & Feast

Well after 2 days of eating and enjoying lots of great foods, I am back fasting today to give my body time to digest and settle. I am feeling pretty good and sleeping well - I always find that when I do a Master Cleanse, I am sleeping deeply afterwards for a few days.

For the past 2 days we have enjoyed cakes, home made crackers with goat's cheese, mung bean burgers, root vegetable stews, mixed rice stir-fries and many other treats. And I am stuffed full and need a break from all that eating and cooking. Such is the purpose of a feast and celebration.

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Be Yourself

What on earth could possibly come out of consistently not being ourselves - living a life not feeling normal or even knowing who we really are? Might this cause confusion, fear and lack in our lives? And who are we anyway, would anyone out there really know for certain who they are, what they are doing here and what is more important be actually living that life fully?

Besides Madonna?

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Summer Solstice

Today is the longest day of the year, mid summer, the summer solstice and a new moon - quite a powerful line-up as usual for this season. Traditionally fires would be lit, parties and festivals (in Scandinavia they still celebrate with a national holiday) held and general festivities all around. Being in touch with the changing seasons is actually quite important and unfortunately nearly forgotten.

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