Thought Leader in Health Potential


Interesting Dreams Last Night

It was another one of those nights where I must has been sleeping very deeply because it felt as if I went very far away. I have been thinking about it since I got up this morning and it seems as if the longer I cleanse and fast then the more access I re-gain to my body, so it only makes sense that I am going more deeply into my body tissues and cells thus the deep sleep and dreams.

This is significant for me in particular because I have not ever slept well or deeply and in fact would have been a light sleeper all of my life waking at every creak and sound. I still wake easily, but I feel better in the morning because I feel as if I have 'slept'. Some of you out there may know what I mean! LOL

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Believe in Better

Unless some of us do something differently with our lives and stop following the rest of the crowd into a dark abyss, not a whole lot will change. And just what have we been doing and what needs to change exactly?

Sometimes it seems that we are not entirely clear on these points - perhaps we have not yet passed the point of confusion and are still mired down in the muck created for us and around us by those in positions of power. 

However, it is still up to us ordinary people to seek and create change within our lives, usually for me this is easily accomplished simply by stopping whatever it was that I have been doing that doesn't work for me. It might have been the foods I am eating or the job I was working at and the circle of people around me who might have kept me in that position.

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Looking for Answers

In some way we are all looking for answers, even if we no longer remember the questions that we have been asking. Many people have been searching, seeking, walking and talking about life, deeper meanings and how to understand these bodies that we are living in.

Once upon a long time ago, there was a bridge from our world we currently experience and live in into other worlds, we could choose to visit or access but ultimately maintain a connection with. Then this point of reference was lost to us, it was broken and corrupted because of greed, abuse of power and the control of a very few.

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Its not always what it seems...

If something isn't what it appears to be, it simply isn't. I have found that an awful lot of people, organizations, companies, groups and what not, are saying one thing while doing another. Which is bad enough. However, they are also giving out information that is completely wrong in many cases.

And there is perhaps none worse than the food industry and those involved in nutrition in general. It seems that there are many who have jumped on the nutrition bandwagon mostly because it is the best game in town and with so many people consuming dreadful diets - there should be plenty to do.

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Think about it...

Today is the 4th of July which doesn't mean so much to me not being from the US, however, it is a well known holiday the world over and it has everything to do with freedom or at least the concept of freedom for many people.

But what does being free really mean and why should it be so important to us, especially those of us walking a path to higher consciousness? As usual when I am investigating a word I look it up - and here is some of what I found for the word freedom or free.

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Even with all the rain...

Even with all of the rain, each day is good for something and today is no exception. The energy is clear and undisturbed right now with movement coming in short waves and bursts, like popping balloons.

This might make us feel a little jumpy or anxious at times, however it is all part of the bigger process of changes that are underfoot. The one difficult thing is to remain grounded during these shifts as some can feel quite literally lifted off of their feet.

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Suffering, Crime and Punishment

What exactly does suffering have to do with us? As therapists, healers, energy workers or even as human beings? And why would we think that this suffering leads us any where but to more negativity - just whose concept is this?

When I look up the definition of suffering - I come across something very interesting; it is described as pain in a broad sense but more importantly fear, unpleasantness and aversion with the perception of harm being done to the individual. This is far more serious stuff than an association with things being a little difficult for us simply because we chose a tougher path.

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You Can't Go Back...

Sometimes our thoughts turn to other worldly things such as destiny, purpose and higher pursuits of our deeper meaning. There is a part of us that carries our destiny forward from all other times - its like a pandora's box of energy once its opened, it can unleash nearly anything from whatever is stored inside.

Today I have been sensing this destiny and purpose all around myself and others that I have met - like a shift within the world's structure, there has been an opening of the great treasure chest of life and now there is no closing it. And no going back either.

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Final Day of My Mini Cleanse

And of course 3 days into anything and I am only just starting to get into the grove! LOL But, this has been a very productive 3 days and continues to be with my mind feeling relaxed and clear. I must say that I really like this feeling of heightened perception and clarity about life and the tasks I set out to do.

One of them has been to make some changes to my website (which is soon to be replaced) and focus on this blog. I am actually enjoying this process of creating and the things that I am learning about the internet, coding and using these tools. All great stuff.

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2nd Day

Yesterday was a normal fasting day, however because I felt that I was working through something deeper at a spiritual level I decided to extend my fasting to 3 days this week and see if I could get this energy moving a bit better.

I was quite productive yesterday - however still feeling very tired by late last night and I realize it all has to do with old patterns of thinking around being out in the world or being even a part of this world. The ways that I used to function and see others doing now in an effort to get themselves ahead in some way, are not of interest to me.

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