Thought Leader in Health Potential


April's Five Minute Challenge

A number of years ago I wanted to find a way to get more out of my day and it got me thinking about the whole subject of energy. As some days I have so very much to do, how do I first of all stay focused and second of all keep the creative juices flowing? The third thing is how do I push it to the next level? These answers are always very simple and of course, right in front of me. EXERCISE

So I started thinking of all the things that I want to do, the goals, ambitions, even the smallest ones, and wondered what I could accomplish if I got my body moving for the next 24 hours.... could I move that mountain? Or climb it? 

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Top 5 Ways to Unblock Energy

My mission over these past few days that I have been following my July Master Cleanse has been to focus on areas of blocked and resistant energy. I have been listening, talking to and working with my body but focused on mainly my heart area as that feels to be the key to all of this.

Today is only day 3 of the 10 days but it appears to have hit me like a brick wall or perhaps I am the one who has hit the wall. And I think that this just might be the wall that I have to break down or get over somehow. 

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Advice to Energy Healers and Therapists...

Many years ago I started out exploring energy healing, hands on healing, energy therapy and all manner of anything to do with the energy field in an effort to understand my energetic self, but also with the hope of making something of it and helping other people. 

Of course being an intuitive and inquisitive by nature, I wanted to explore and figure out exactly what was happening within the energy field of the humans I was seeing as well as myself. In order to do that I needed to be proficient in hands on energy therapies and to know what they were all about.

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10 Ways to Get Back in Your Body

For the most part not everyone knows what any of this work of the body, mind and spirit is all about. Just exactly what are the reasons behind thinking our thoughts and feeling the way we do about the world we live in? 

Many of us are just naturally drawn to vibrations of higher consciousness, are seekers and have been asking the right questions for quite some time. These actions are the forces that pull us onto higher ground and often sustain us as we navigate our way through the rough terrain. However, the reason why we seek, the justification for the deeper questions has always been that we are pushed out of spaces and places where we belong. 

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You Can't Get There From Here....

'You Can't Get There From Here' is the title of my book about the place I was in, where I came from and how much I had to change in order to get onto the road I wanted to be on. I used those specific words in the title because that is exactly how I felt and saw it at the time - the way I was living, the people around me, the food I was eating and each of the things that I was not doing that I 'knew' I should have been doing - made sure that I was going no where.

Where ever I was, that place I was in, there was no way on earth I was going to grow, learn, develop or deepen my experience here on this journey if I kept going around in the same circles. I simply could not get to where I wanted to go from there. 

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A Place to Start

I remember the days when I desperately wanted to make some changes in my life and I would try to do something and at times even succeed in my attempts. But to be honest, I was so confused about who I was, where I was going and what I really wanted (mostly because I was so toxic) that I never knew where to start.

And this starting point was confusing me even more! Perhaps it is only me who feels this way, but my guess is that there are at least a few others out there who are finding themselves at a stand still in life, diet, exercise, business, work and relationships with not knowing how or where to start making changes in their lives.

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The Devil Made Me Do It....

At times it can seem like an uphill battle - this walking the talk or trying to live consciously. However, losing weight, making changes to your diet and lifestyle is not so very different from any other forms of self-betterment. You desire something more for yourself, your body translates that into greater awareness and then the universe aligns to enable you to create the experiences that will bring the wave to you.

It all sounds easy why is this so difficult? There is one area that not many of us are talking about, perhaps because it has appeared to be the domain of religions and those too fearful to even comprehend these bigger concepts. This is the thing/creature/energy force or whatever 'it' is that we would know as the devil.

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Don't Delay....Your Destiny Awaits!

I remember those days when several trains of thought would be going through my mind at the same time - that I wanted to get healthy, fit, trim etc. and stay that way. However, I would think that there was one more function, one more party, my next birthday or some other milestone/event/thing/person that I was waiting for or held back the start date in some way.

Of course, then another birthday would roll around and I would not be in the shape that I wanted to be in and I would be angry/disappointed/upset with myself all day because I was not able to wear the clothes I wanted to wear or feel as good as I knew that I could feel.

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Where are we stuck?

Feeling stuck, held back, one step forward, one step back, like we are going around in the very same circles that we have been in for all of time...and still we wake up here. And not 'there' where we want to be. 

I keep seeing this pattern repeat in my own life and of course I hear about it when I am talking with others - this is the very real issue, feeling, problem, fear and worry of being stuck. There are so many of us that are ready, willing and able to move ahead in some way however, something/someone/some situation etc. holds us back.

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What are they doing to the food?

Yesterday I stopped into a major grocery store to get something that was forgotten at the farmers market on Saturday and decided to have a look around as I almost never take the time to do that anymore. Whenever I go into these places I usually make a beeline for what I am after, get it and then leave.

I stopped at the heated cart that held ready cooked chicken (whole) - what interested me was one thing that I had never noticed before, mostly because I do not buy it or eat this food. There was a whole cooked chicken in a plastic bag, sitting on a heated counter under hot lamps staying warm. 

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