Thought Leader in Health Potential


Dazed and Confused On The Spiritual Path

There is a lot that needs to be said here about this topic - confusion - mostly because this is such a common problem, yet one that is directly related to the food we are eating or have eaten throughout our lives. 

Last night I had a dream of packaged macaroni and cheese (remember that?) the kind of stuff that many children eat in North America on a daily basis because it is easy to prepare and will fill you up. However, it lies in the category of 'I can't believe, I used to eat that stuff' and it is something that I would never feed to my own children.

So where did it all go wrong? 

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Self Blame

'Don't sweat the small things' is a quote that was going through my mind recently when I encountered an issue with a project that I was working on (something that had taken me a very long time). However, the problem did not originate with me, but on another level, yet my reaction was very interesting because I blamed myself and internalized the negativity.

A huge pattern had surfaced.

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Pulling Out of The Recession

Today I am on my third day of a mini cleanse - I do them often and have incorporated fasting into my life to help me get where I want to go as well as to keep the energy positive and moving forward. I just mentioned to someone once again that fasting and following The Pagan Diet (which is so much more than just fasting!) has changed my life and pulled us out of the recession.

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Always Waiting...?

I have been making some observations about myself and my thinking - or at least the way that I have been used to thinking for most of my life and find hard to shake. We all seem to have these patterns to our thought processes and for me (perhaps you as well?) one of them is that I keep putting things off until the right time.

Even those words do not adequately describe what we do exactly, it's as if we want to live or be a certain way, however, for that to come about will take considerable time, commitment, energy and effort - so we often just put it down as another wish/dream/desire/hope and let it sit. 

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Spiritual Detox Part Two

This subject may never be finished, there is still much that needs to be said and as I mentioned before it has been mulling around my mind for such a long time, this entire theme of toxicity of spirit. There are deeper issues here that are affecting each one of us who are walking this path, while some of them are making us sick.

Two of which are spiritual jealousy and spiritual competitiveness - each of these in turn probably arrive together and derive from similar sources. However, both are equally nasty and damaging (to the extreme) of the energy field creating large rips or tears especially along the back of the body.

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Spiritual Detox

Spiritual detox is a term that I have been mulling over for quite some time - long before I even had much of an idea where this path would take me. I remember as recently as a year ago, trying to get at buried toxins that just seemed to be far more stuck than others and wondering why this was so.

Of course as time moved on and I kept moving forward with the Master Cleanses and fasting, I moved far more deeply into my own body than I ever have before. The one thing that became clear to me ( I have mentioned it here several times) is that these wounds of the spirit are by far the most profound.

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Why Is This So Difficult?

I have spoken with a few people over these past few weeks and there seems to be one main theme amongst those who are trying to walk a spiritual path - that this is hard and perhaps it has gotten harder over the last while.

Right now there just seems to be so many opposing forces within each of us and of course swirling around us that are attempting to derail people on their journey. In many instances these forces succeed at least for a time as we can often become side tracked by situations and drama.

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Getting Out of Our Own Way

These past few days during my cleanse I have been focused on removing obstacles, blocks, resistance and other negative energy that has been holding me back. So, with this theme in mind I have been chipping away at some of the more obvious areas where I have been feeling stuck.

Of course the entire point of doing any cleanse of this sort, what I would call a 'spiritual detox' is to get at the bottom of whatever these underlying patterns are buried deep in my soul. I once heard it said that dysfunction of the spirit is far more serious then any other disorder of the body. This part of us can be damaged seemingly beyond repair and it is a delicate place to encourage healing.

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Looking For Love

As you may know already, I am on day 8 of a 10 day Master Cleanse which I started with the firm intention of removing blocks, breaking down walls and navigating my way around obstacles that were generally holding me back from living my dreams.

Here I am breaking down these walls around my heart and all I am thinking of is love - of course for me, I always start a query by looking it up - love is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment that you feel for another person. Ok. But, that doesn't fill in all of the blanks for me yet. 

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7 Spiritual Habits

Each day there are many of us who are attempting to walk the path of higher spiritual knowledge and often we are doing this quite in the dark and of course, alone. Mostly this is a solitary path or one to be undertaken with your spiritual partner or soul family but even then you will often find yourselves on your own.

Over these years of intense focus on walking the talk and living this way, as a family we have learned a number of important things - often these truths are so vital to how we approach this journey that to do something differently would cause us to stop or slow down. And what is far worse, when we don't pay attention to detail, this can cause confusion.

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