Thought Leader in Health Potential


Listening, Hearing and Ignoring

So, what is it that you keep putting off? What words of inner wisdom are gently washing ashore for your benefit and yet, you feel them, hear them, but cannot for the life of you seem to do anything about them?

I'm not entirely sure what to call this state of mind we all find ourselves in from time to time (blocked, resistant?). However, it is real and happens far too often to be good for us. Usually this goes on until there are a pile of changes, things, advice and tasks we should be doing or have done - yet they linger on.

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What is Energy? Excerpt from Universal Energy Laws 

Usually the most common definition for energy is the ability to do work, it can also be used in reference to the ability to make something happen. Both of these definitions put forward some powerful and interesting concepts. Other words that can be used for energy according to the thesaurus are: vigour, vitality, life, spiritedness, spark, strength, power, drive, fire, force, and so forth. 

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5 Things to Do Today - on Your Spiritual Path 

Let's face it, there are many of us walking along on this path inwards as we reach for our own higher consciousness - and every day is different. However, for some it can seem as if each task, every day, to achieve anything significant takes an enormous amount of effort.

And it does - there is opposition, resistance, negativity and all sorts of fear to be overcome as we move along these shores. At times, it may appear as if we forget to live each day, we have been so focused on just following and listening.

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Making the Internal Connections

Once you start the process of re-gaining ground inside of your mind (perhaps referred to as finding your will power as well) anything you then set your 'mind' to, can be accomplished. Easily. The single greatest benefit of these detoxes for me has been coming more into the present.

The entire game is all about focus, which generally means our minds, but also a few other aspects associated with the body. There are two things that come up here for me - I repeatedly see, read or hear people advise others to conquer or get out of their minds and there is a mind-body connection to our immune system.

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Learn to Listen

For those of you who are channelers, or who are investigating this line of ‘work’, there may be some areas you want to consider before proceeding down this road. Speaking from experience here, there are a few things you should know.

First of all, you only want your own energy inside of your body, channeling and communication with other beings most likely involves calling something in. It is not ever advisable to welcome into your physical body foreign entities not belonging to you and who do not belong to this planet. 

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Self-Care and Listening to Your Inner Voice 

Self-care is something that should be a no-brainer for those of us who are healers, energy workers, therapists and all manner of carer, who have taken up the mantle of walking the spiritual path. We are constantly advising others on how to better care for themselves, body, mind and spirit, especially those on an inner journey, however....

Here we are late at night, tired, run down, feeling low - neglected. How is it we ourselves have not made it onto the priority list for some special (or even quite ordinary) treatment? Why do we consistently undervalue our own personal needs above all others?

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10 Ways to Protect Yourself In the Healing Professions

Walking the spiritual path can and should be part of life’s purpose for many of us at this time on earth, however, our support system, security and protection have been eroded by neglect, misinformation and energetic interference. If you find yourself feeling drained, tired and worse at the end of your day, there is something you can do about it. 

Safety starts with shoring up our energy fields, taking exquisite care of our bodies and clearing our working and living space. If you are ready to begin the process of improving your level of safety, shoring up your spiritual boundaries and learning how to protect yourself (on every level) until you reach your destination – this is the place to begin. 

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It is Time to Take Your Safety Seriously - Walking The Spiritual Path

I have often thought about this and indeed have been asked by many over the years, if I was to give just one piece of advice for someone walking the spiritual path - what would it be? If this was to be the last time that I was able to speak freely, to write a note for those of you making your way along these roads, there isn't too much that I would focus on - just safety.

Of course, this is an entire subject in and of itself. I remember the days way back when I used to 'have fun' doing Reiki, energy healing, readings and general work of energy medicine with out giving any thought to the fact that I was entirely unsafe. 

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It's All A Lie? 

What if absolutely everything you have been told all of your life by nearly everyone (organizations,  companies, religions, government, 'those' in power) has been a lie? A series of false data creating a smoke screen meant to throw you off your path, enslave you, keep you down and force you into subservience?

Quite a statement there, huh? The sad fact here is that this is true. We can choose to cling to the official line and believe all that spews out from highly controlled mediums such as radio, television, internet and 'the news'. Or we can plan a journey within to find the truth for ourselves.

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Should I Be Working (as a therapist) When I'm 'Unwell'?

To work or not to work when feeling unwell, sick, in crisis, not coping or generally not yourself, that is the question and one that I get asked fairly often. Of course, this is perhaps unique to each person's situation, but there are definitely people out there who should not be working and are, and those who take a break from work and shouldn't.

How's that for an answer? Not good enough yet. So, let's think this through a little bit further here as I go back to my old standby of looking up the definition of the word work - an expenditure of energy. That's certainly interesting as we are already talking about energy here.

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