Thought Leader in Health Potential


Improve Your Intuition 

Intuition as far as I am concerned is a muscle, it brings together many parts of your body such as the pineal gland, the heart, the gut and the brain, and then you ‘process’ a piece of information or a perception of something through these organs. Therefore, your body systems do need to be working at least at some level.

Intuition can be understood as an direct knowing or inner sense of self, in this way, you can engage your body in working through an issue or a problem. 

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Magic - Walking Towards the Light

As an Intuitive I am always looking for the connection between our physical reality (food, flesh and blood) and these other worlds (energetic, emotional and spiritual realms). They are not mutually exclusive from each other – nor should they be – many of us walk in other worlds as writers and dreamers.

Once a link has been established, between these dimensions – information exchange, healing and real living can begin. We are multi-dimensional beings for a reason, with access to sources of energy potential, such as magic. 

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Come On - Be a Rebel!! Eat Your Veggies... 

As you might have already guessed, while I am a Clinical Nutritionist with many years of experience in the food industry as well as seeing clients, teaching and living this way - I do not subscribe to the current way of thinking when it comes to food. 

I have found through trial and error, sickness and health, that the way we are being told and taught to eat even as nutritionists, is fundamentally flawed. And as you have already read, I have tried nearly everything in an attempt to be at a reasonable weight, re-gain health, heal inflammation and so forth. 

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To Medicate or Not- It’s Not a Question, It’s a Lifestyle 

This might be a bit of a delicate subject for some – however good I am at being gentle and tip toeing my way around things when needs be… this is not one of the topics where I could do that. Not in good conscience anyway. So, I will just jump in and tell it as I see it. 

I meet people all the time who want to believe they can keep their feet firmly in both camps when it comes to medication and the use of drugs. This is actually one of the first lessons I was taught by my body – you will have to make a choice and then stick firmly with that decision. 

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Part II - Life of a Writer - Staying Sane

In part one, I talked about the physical aspects of working (writing) from home and how it can be a challenge to get motivated to move your ‘butt’, once in a comfortable position and the ideas are flowing. So, yes, there is a way to stay active, healthy and fit. But that’s not the entire picture – there is more….

Another major issue with writing at home is the isolation and time spent on our own without the company of other adults or even adult conversation especially for those of us with small children. Feeling disconnected from living can be an issue for some, requiring a period of adjustment in the beginning. 

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Writing from Home - You don't have to be an Unhealthy Author

There are a lot of us writing or working from home – a job which requires far too much sitting around, leaving us in a bit of a tight spot when it comes to staying healthy. Sitting for long periods of time is not the best way to work, however, fortunately for us we can find ways to stay active.

Actually I love to exercise, but it’s not always easy when I am busy homeschooling, writing, looking after animals and maintaining a house and garden. I thought the best way to start this was to let you in on what I do and how I’ve organized my day.

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Wait A Minute, This is My Blog! 

I have been deliberating on several posts I wanted to write for one of my blogs and have hesitated for quite some time on more then a couple of them. I kept thinking they were not quite suitable for this blog - some form of flawed thinking has set in and I have just uncovered a pattern!

One of those posts is about homeschooling - for those who know me or anything about me - we are homeschoolers, right from the beginning that was the goal and we have for the most part stuck with it. Both our children are learning at home at the kitchen table - and thriving because of it.

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Following Your Own Path and Dreams 

One of the most difficult aspects of walking a spiritual path and following your own calling - is that so many people  are not coming with you. Not everyone is called and there are many who are simply not interested in a spiritual endeavour. 

For those of us who have been on this path for quite some time, we find ourselves interacting with others, or a part of some relationships which are not spiritual in nature. On the surface this is fine, over the short term an association such as this works. However...

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5 Spiritual Benefits of Exercise

At this day and age you would think the fact that our physical bodies require exercise is such as no brainer... however I keep coming across 'spiritual' people who feel they are on the journey of their lifetimes without getting off of their arse.

Well, that is simply not possible - you can get some of the way down that long road, however, without being physically active you are not going to get far. This trip simply requires all of you - body, mind and spirit to be fully present and in working order.

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