Thought Leader in Health Potential


Energy Vampires Surface at this Time of Year…

There are so many ways we can discuss negative energy and I have mentioned several of them over the years on my blogs. Of course whenever we start talking about the economy or banks and money – these days, our thoughts turn to negativity.

I have been exploring some of the ways that all of this negativity from news sources, poor food choices, damaging relationships, dead end jobs and whatever it is that we have taken on board, ultimately affects us.

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Strengthening Your Energy Field – From the Inside

Everything that takes place in and around your body (and life) is recorded, pre-determined and part of some larger overall pattern. This is not said lightly either, because a lot is taking place constantly that most people are not even aware of. 

Your body generates an electromagnetic field in and around each and every cell in your body. It does this from the inner workings of your cells and metabolic processes which act like miniature batteries. This joins together to form a larger force field with central points as well as energy centres around the body.

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Walking The Talk - Natural Healing

I don't often write (anymore) about some of the issues I hold closest to my heart - at least not like I used to, perhaps I feel that there are already so many people out there speaking out right now - and I no longer need to lend my voice to the cause.

Then some days I realize that a lot of these voices are not quite where they should be and not coming from the level of integrity that I would expect (or hope) to find within some of these causes. That's one main issue, then there is the double edge or convoluting of the message, or to put it more clearly, people trying to have it both ways.

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Welcome to Health Scare 

The following is an article I wrote in 2009 - which is as relevant right now as it was then. The flu would not be something to be feared or worried about in people who are healthy, with strong functioning immune systems. However we are not encouraged to work on improving our health - instead we are pushed to fill our bodies with an even growing list of toxic compounds. 

Has our human race reached the final end point where the promotion of disease and dysfunction is concerned or are we seeing but unable to comprehend the level of corruption involved in manipulating our health. Read on....

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Soul Re-covery on the Spiritual Path 

Perhaps the single biggest thing that holds us back in life is the family that raised us. I would not refer to them as our family of origin because as many of you walking the spiritual path are finding out, an unsupportive and unloving family are not likely to be connected to you on a soul level. 

Probably the easiest way to describe this is that we have been mixed up on an energetic level – some of us have been enslaved, adopted out, lost and otherwise taken in by strangers at various times during our lives here on this planet.

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Social Life - On the Spiritual Path

As this is my blog and it rests upon me to be really honest with you, I am going to do just that as there is an important aspect of walking the path that I must share with you. Social life as I had come to know it consisted of spending time with several people whom either myself or my husband did not particularly like, or they did not like my children. And probably I did not like aspects of them either.

We tolerated each others company- yet in some ways it was like an addiction or perhaps part of the ‘sickness’ of living, eating, and behaving like I was someone I am NOT. When I was around these people I did not act like myself- actually I don’t even know who that is and neither do they as there are strict perimeters of behaviour that everyone has to follow.

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Knowledge is Power - "Justified True Belief"

I don’t know about you, but I happen to know everything. 

Yep, just ask me (or my husband!) – I either know it already or will find it out shortly. I am an intuitive and I know many things about life, my body and all that takes place here in these spaces in between. 

You might think I am saying this tongue in cheek – and I am for the most part. However there is one part of me that is quite serious. My body has shown me over and over again – that every little thing I need to walk this human, spiritual, earthly path from start to finish – I already know. 

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Raising Our Vibration - Consciousness Part II

There is a lot of discussion and even more written about consciousness, awareness and spirituality - a person has to really carefully consider all that is being said and what it really means... or who is saying it in the first place. 

I have read these exact words recently ‘through meditation we will eventually transform into higher beings’ – this caused me to stop for a minute! I sincerely hope this person doesn’t really believe that. Nothing could be further from the truth, in actual fact.

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Awakening Higher Consciousness Part I 

There is a lot of stuff out there on consciousness, awakening and ascension – the latest buzz words of the new age movement. I wanted to wade into the melee here because of some of the ‘information’ I have been reading that just doesn’t make any sense at all.

First of all, let me state that there are many who may feel they are on a spiritual path, who have all the right words, feelings and appearances. However, if you have started on your journey towards higher consciousness and you are still living in the same house, eating the same foods and spending time with the same people in dead end relationships – you have yet to leave the gate. 

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Ghosts In the Machine.... 

October seems to be the appropriate time of year to be discussing some other aspects of our energetic make-up here on this planet – being the month of darkness, change and ending with Samhain - it’s a good time to talk about energy vampires. 

Now, there are several types of people who are drainers, users and the run of the mill waste of space. Not all of these people are former humans, but enough of them are – just look at the current preoccupation with all things dead, paranormal, ghost, vampire and alien. 

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