Thought Leader in Health Potential


Healing Our Dream Dimension...

There are a couple of things on my mind here today - one is dreams and the other is our inner, being an intuitive I would tend to put these two aspects of ourselves together - because, well, that would just make some energetic sense!

At least to me...perhaps our dream world is set up and stems from our early years. Then as we grow more into ourselves, we access higher points of this side of us. Hopefully not deliberately shutting them down through stress, poor diet, medication and distraction.

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Exercise as Energy Medicine

For anyone who knows me, it's no secret how much I love exercise - my one complaint would be I never make the time to do more. I have always been active, even when my diet and my life were not great and certainly during the times I have been unwell.

Intuitively my body constantly relays to me how vital it is that I move each day - in fact my body has long been informing me of the need to be physically active at least twice if not three times a day. In keeping with the natural rhythms of the our bodies...

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You know those days when you just don't feel like yourself?

We all seem to have those days - some of us more then others and they may occur more often at certain times, then others. You know those days - when you just don't feel like yourself? And for some reason, you can't quite understand, you feel like someone else or something else or anything but you.

Some people refer to it as getting up on the wrong side of the bed and for me, it often appears to start that way - of course I fully understand from an energy perspective what is taking place. Yet, it doesn't always make life any easier!

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Let's Talk About Fear....

So, I guess it's about time I mentioned this little feature (or 'fear'ture) of our current daily life. You cannot open the newspaper, turn on the tele (thankfully I don't have one) or even speak with someone without fear coming into the conversation, equation or guiding our thoughts in some way...

Try a little experiment and see if you can actually find some purely positive article, report, news brief, or even have a conversation... especially these days. From the state of the economy, the mess our health is in, to bullying in the schools - even the uplifting stories have a heaviness about them.

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Those nasty little critters.... Yeast, Mold & Fungus

Yes, these are nasty and not something that I talk about too much on here, mostly because I have written about the candida problem in my books (extensively) and seem to have been dealing with these bugs for such a long time...

However, I have maintained over the years - and even teach about it from this perspective, yeast are at the root of the problem but they are not the real issue. And you are not going to be able to deal with them directly. You must first make some significant changes to your body.

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Resolution? We need a Revolution! 

I don't know about you, but as a spiritual person (you know, I think about spiritual things...) life has been anything but easy. In fact it is often downright difficult, in some ways, but wonderful in many others. 

With this in mind I have been giving a lot of thought to the New Year which is now upon us and the challenges we face as people wanting something better in our lives. That something better for me has always been the means to live my life as I want to.

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You Are Now Entering Dimension 20....

So, now I have your attention, you are probably wondering what the hell dimension 20 is, right? Well, a long time ago, I went on a quest (one of my many) to discover what each of the human dimensions are and what they mean.

I know a few basic things about time travel, astral projection, inter-dimensional access; just from being an intuitive, psychic or whatever it's called these days. As humans (well, most of us are anyway) we can access 32 dimensions.

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The Last Great War....from the Angel Files 


A persistent state of crisis can only hold the deeper implications of either recovery or death- therefore, to keep vast numbers of people, entire populations and countries hanging on with ramped up intensity and no reprieve on the horizon, is an actual crime against humanity.

As all three of these wars have been ongoing for so long and with such pervasiveness that you would think we would hardly notice if another war were added to the melee. But we have and we did and we will because this one, the BIG one is the MOTHER of all wars.

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The Great Wars of Heaven and Earth

Then we moved into a new decade with more horizons to conquer- their war on cancer was flourishing and reaping benefits in all the right places- except not where it would make a human difference as health status is worse than ever.

Next came the ‘War on Drugs’ which is handy as the young people of the 60’s generation were growing up and having children of their own- you know, the ones without morals as they have been demoralized.

So, another war was declared in the world, this time to combat the illegal drugs trade, as on the streets it was getting out of hand and the world was becoming an even more dangerous place or so we are told in their media, ad nauseam.

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An Excerpt from Angel Files - Out in the Energy Field

The Three Great Wars

I recently watched a clip of an ex KGB agent in which he described a set program used to gain control over a population. It is based on using a plan, which is played out in society and takes effect over several generations.

He used the following terms; demoralize, destabilize, crisis, and normalize to describe the process by which ‘government’ or those in positions of power, use to accomplish this goal of complete dominance. 

I recognized this immediately as fitting in perfectly with the “New World Order’ and the various causes initiated in America and the UK but which have quickly gained momentum and gone viral around the globe. 

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