Thought Leader in Health Potential


Natural Beekeeping is Easy

Most people think Beekeeping is a lot of work, this is true for the Commercial Beekeeper but quite a different picture for the Natural beekeeper.

Commercial Beekeeping on a large scale is time consuming for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the scale of the operation requires time to be spent with each hive to monitor and intervene at specific stages of development of each individual hive. Secondly, the techniques followed by Commercial Beekeepers require a high amount of attention due to the intensive nature of the practice. Commercial hives are crowded and cramped damp boxes that are more akin to a sweatshop than a home.

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Don't Give Up Now - This is Your Destiny 

There are days and for some of us - weeks, months and years - where nothing seems to be going in the direction we want it to go. But, yet when we look back at different challenging time frames and periods in our lives - we can see change has taken place.

In essence we are getting there. It's just not in the direct route, as quickly as we had hoped and without all of these learning curves...You know, the ones that always end up teaching us something incredibly important - but are so annoying to move through.

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What is a Top Bar Hive?

This is a question that is asked most often by people who stop at our stall at the Skibbereen Farmers Market, so I thought I would explain it here.

A Top Bar Hive is an imitation of a hollowed out log with the added advantage of being able to monitor and extract honey with minimal disturbance to the hive. The hive shape and size are a more natural configuration than the common square box widely used. There is also a great amount of open space in the hive that aids in ventilation, which is a major factor in a healthy hive.

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